Donnerstag, 8. Februar 2007


WUSSTE ICHS DOCH !! Bryan Adams singt TATSÄCHLICH "sex dreams" !! 4 Ohren können nicht irren !!
Paul, ich bin bei Dir !!
Und das Schönste an der ganzen Sache: es gibt noch mehr von unsereins:

Bryan Adams: Summer Of '69

The real lyrics were:
Got my first real six string, bought it at the
Played it till my fingers bled. It was the summer of 69.

But I misheard them as:
Got my first real sex dream, I was 5 at the time.
Played it till my fingers bled.
It was the summer of 69.

Age when I discovered just how wrong I had been: 28
I think my version is better than the original: Yes
I've convinced others that my version is correct: No
I take interesting medications: No
Submitted by Paul on 1998-04-23 00:00:00

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