WUSSTE ICHS DOCH !! Bryan Adams singt TATSÄCHLICH "sex dreams" !! 4 Ohren können nicht irren !!
Paul, ich bin bei Dir !!
Und das Schönste an der ganzen Sache: es gibt noch mehr von unsereins:

Bryan Adams: Summer Of '69

The real lyrics were:
Got my first real six string, bought it at the
Played it till my fingers bled. It was the summer of 69.

But I misheard them as:
Got my first real sex dream, I was 5 at the time.
Played it till my fingers bled.
It was the summer of 69.

Age when I discovered just how wrong I had been: 28
I think my version is better than the original: Yes
I've convinced others that my version is correct: No
I take interesting medications: No
Submitted by Paul on 1998-04-23 00:00:00
sonstraal - 20. Feb, 15:17

i am a wombat

Kate Bush: Wuthering Heights
hahah.. den find ich aber auch sehr super! eeee - wheee....

The real lyrics were:
It's me, Cathy and I've come back
oh, so cold, let me in-a your window

But I misheard them as:
It's me; I'm a tree, I'm a wombat.
Oh, so cold at the end of your winter

sonstraal - 20. Feb, 15:47

schearnglertes baby

Alanis Morissette: You Oughta Know

The real lyrics were:
It's not fair to deny me of the cross I bear that you gave to me.

But I misheard them as:
It's not fair to deny me of the cross-eyed baby that you gave to me.

cindy21 - 23. Feb, 12:44

Bryan Adams?

Na gut.

Allein: Seit wann darf man wieder ungestraft Bryan Adams hören? Der ist mindestens so Nineties wie Jennie Garth oder andererseits Jonathan Brandis - der den Umstieg ins einundzwanzigste Jahrhundert bekanntlich auch nicht wirklich gut hingekriegt hat.

Ich erinnere nur ungern an jenes unselige Vier-Musketiere-Lied, das einem ohnehin schon unseligen Vier-Musketiere-Film den Todesstoß versetzte (Chris O'Donnell noch bevor er wusste, dass er schwul ist, und noch bevor er sein ganzes Talent als Robin unter Beweis stellen konnte): jedenfalls, warum Bryan Adams, Sting UND Rod Stewart, wo doch zumindest Bryan Adams und Rod Stewart die selbe Stimme - in der musiktheoretischen Fachterminologie sagt man: eine KRÄCHZstimme - haben? Zur schmerzlichen Erinnerung:

[KRÄCHZSTIMME] When it's love you give
[KASTRATENSTIMME] I'll be your man of good faith
[KRÄCHZSTIMME] When it's love you live
[KASTRATENSTIMME] I'll make a stand I won't break
[KRÄCHZSTIMME] I'll be the rock you can lean on
[KRÄCHZSTIMME] Be there when you're old
[KRÄCHZSTIMME] To have and to hold

[KRÄCHZSTIMME] When there's love inside
[KASTRATENSTIMME] I swear I'll alway's be strong
[KRÄCHZSTIMME] And there's a reason why
[KASTRATENSTIMME] I'll prove to you we belong
[KRÄCHZSTIMME] I'll be the wall that protects you
[KRÄCHZSTIMME] From the wind and the rain
[KRÄCHZSTIMME] From the hurt and the pain


tante liesi - 27. Feb, 14:12

ahhh... die guten alten zeiten.... :) ....

.. fand das jetzt irgendwie passend:

Like the corners of my mind
Misty water-colored memories
Of the way we were
Scattered pictures,
Of the smiles we left behind
Smiles we gave to one another
For the way we were
Can it be that it was all so simple then?
Or has time re-written every line?
If we had the chance to do it all again
Tell me, would we? could we?
Memries, may be beautiful and yet
Whats too painful to remember
We simply choose to forget
So its the laughter
We will remember
Whenever we remember...
The way we were...
The way we were...


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