KEANE knows best :)

Describe yourself using one band and song titles from that band

Choose a band/artist and answer only in song TITLES by that band :: KEANE

Are you male or female :: she has no time
Describe yourself :: everybody's changing
How do some people feel about you :: is it any wonder?
How do you feel about yourself :: nothing in my way
Describe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend :: the frog prince
Describe your current girlfriend/boyfriend :: sunshine
Describe where you want to be :: somewhere only we know
Describe what you want to be :: crystal ball
Describe how you live :: she has no time
Describe how you love :: can't stop now
Share a few words of wisdom :: put it behind you
sonstraal - 30. Okt, 14:01

jetzt hab ich es auch geschafft...

Describe yourself using one band and song titles from that band

Choose a band/artist and answer only in song TITLES by that band :: Sarah McLachlan

Are you male or female :: Perfect Girl
Describe yourself :: Building a Mystery
How do some people feel about you :: Building a Mystery
How do you feel about yourself :: Sweet Surrender
Describe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend :: Train Wreck
Describe your current girlfriend/boyfriend :: I Love You
Describe where you want to be :: Elsewhere
Describe what you want to be :: Angel
Describe how you live :: Perfect
Describe how you love :: Fumbling towards ecstasy
Share a few words of wisdom :: Do what You have to do

Madita - 31. Okt, 12:16

that is

soooooo cute. describing your girlfriend as sunshine.
ääääähm... zumindest stand da nach dem doppelpunkt bis vor kurzem noch "sunshine" statt i love you... bin ich jetzt ganz blöd?
hilfe ich krieg halluzinative zustände. öhm. naja.. ich hab mir auf jeden fall eingebildet es stand da. und fands supercute.

:-) schmacht...!

ich hoff es macht dir nix aus, dass ich mir das kleine spielchen auf meinen weblog rübergeklaut hab. gelle? :-)


Madita - 28. Jan, 16:23


...hast scho angefangen mich zu verkuppeln?
wann gibts das first date??? na? naaaaaaaaaaaaa? *gg*

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...hast scho angefangen mich zu verkuppeln? wann gibts...
Madita - 28. Jan, 16:23
that is
soooooo cute. describing your girlfriend as sunshine. ääääähm......
Madita - 31. Okt, 12:17
jetzt hab ich es auch...
Describe yourself using one band and song titles from...
sonstraal - 30. Okt, 14:01
KEANE knows best :)
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Zuletzt aktualisiert: 28. Jan, 16:23


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